Final Approval
Final approval was made by the Lyons Arts Committee for the Lavern Johnson Memorial monument. This is a life-size sculpture of a woman who dedicated much of her life to preserving and improving the town of Lyons, Colorado. Her achievements are too numerous to mention...
Two New Bronzes Installed in Cheyenne Wyoming
This month we installed two new bronzes in Cheyenne Wyoming. "Den Mother" was installed in front of a private business near downtown Cheyenne while "Darn Wind" was installed as part of the growing Cheyenne downtown Bronze project. Forbes Magazine just described...
Five Day Sculpture Class
I enjoyed a five-day sculpture class at Sculpture Depot in Loveland Colorado. This class was partially funded with a grant from the Susan K Black Foundation, and we truly appreciated that. All nine students were enthusiastic and passionate about learning something new...
Added two Sculpture at the Sioux Falls downtown Sculpture Walk
We just completed the installation of these two bronzes in Sioux Falls downtown SculptureWalk. This program is now the largest sculpture walk in the world and I am so proud to be part of it! Their mission of "Bringing Art to the Public" has completely transformed...
Tulsa NatureWorks Show
The Tulsa NatureWorks show was a success in so many ways! It was great fun reconnecting with Artist friends, cherished patrons, and of course the Nature Works volunteers who work hard to make this a phenomenal show.
Den Mother
Finished clay sculpture for limited edition bronze casting measuring: 21.75Hx40Lx13.5D Scheduled for installation in Cheyenne, Wyoming and Sioux Falls S.D. May 2023
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Two more installations were just installed in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I love how the patrons embrace their roles in this important project. Each bronze has a time capsule embedded in the base to which the patrons can contribute. The two cute little girls decided to write a...
Mountian Love and Fawned memories installed in Cheyenne
My mule deer bronze,"Fawned Memories" was permanently installed today in the downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming Bronze project. Seen in the Photo with me is patron Jane Iverson who dedicated this bronze in memory of her husband. Also installed was another of my bronzes...
Sioux Falls Sculpture Walk Program
I was recently surprised with the honor of learning that my "Carpe Carp" received the coveted "Best in Show" award by the Sioux Falls SculptureWalk Program for 2022. Bronze limited edition of 9 36"x22"Wx10.5"D
SKB Workshop
There are many art workshops that are available, but none with the versatility of the Susan K Black held in the picturesque mountain town of Dubois Wyoming. I have the honor of returning there to teach sculpture again this September. I will focus on sculpting the...
Sculpture for Miami Valley Hospital
Sometime in the late 1970s, registered nurses stopped wearing their school caps. Each school presented their graduates with a cap unique to that school which the nurses proudly wore. Primarily because of practicality, that tradition faded, but the graduates of those...
Artists for Conservation Selection
What a great pleasure to be notified that my sculpture titled "Gotcha" has been selected for by the jury for inclusion in the Artists for Conservation 2022 VIRTUAL EXHIBIT. Only 40% of the 472 submissions made the cut.
Sioux Falls 2022 A
"Carpe Carp" was selected and installed in downtown Sioux Falls South Dakota for their impressive SculptureWalk program. This Bronze, which celebrates the successful return of the River Otter in Colorado after near extinction marks my sixth consecutive year of being...
Local Business Person of the Year
Our Local Biz Person Of 2022 Winner Christine Knapp! Member votes and testimonials were posted, resulting in more than 2,400 small biz superstars emerging as their town's Local Business People Of The Year. They walked away with prestigious badges on their profiles...
Carpe Carp
This Bronze made its first public debut last August in Loveland's Sculpture in the Park Show. I just completed an enlarged version (36"H ) of the same Sculpture. It will be installed in the Sioux Falls South Dakota Sculpture Walk this May. "Carpe Carp" Bronze, Limited...
I’m Your Hucklebeary
My new bronze to be unveiled at the Sculpture in the Park Show in Loveland, Colorado this August. It is titled "I'm Your Hucklebeary" and is a limited edition of 15. Dimensions are 8.9"H x 7.8"L x 5.6" deep.
Just installed in Utah!
Just installed in Utah! This project began in 2019 as a request from my clients to illustrate the predator/prey scenario that unfolds in Nature every day. We chose to use whitetail deer and a mountain lion to tell the story. All three bronzes are life-sized.
River Sprites
Finished just in time, my new clay sculpture titled “River Sprites” will be ready for its public debut in bronze at this year's Sculpture in the Park Show August 6-8 in Loveland, Colorado. It measures 14.5"H x 8.2"W x 5" deep and celebrates the comeback of river...
Twisted Toad installation in Sioux Falls
We enjoyed perfect weather in Sioux Falls during the installation of "Twisted Toad" for this year's SculptureWalk. Meeting old and new friends was an added plus! This is an enlargement of one of my miniatures by the same name that was designed for a garden setting.
Curious Cottontail
I am always fascinated and flattered by the attention my patrons give to the placement of my sculpture. This client lives in Minnesota and just received the first casting of "Curious Cottontail". She was so excited that she sent me images of it in her beautiful home....